Adnan Oktar's cat honey biscuit

The World Of Our Lıttle Frıends, The Ants

On his way to school every day, Omar walks over to the garden of the house across the street and waits there for a while. A very special friend of his lives in this garden. No one knows this friend, but Omar loves him a lot. Omar never forgets to visit his friend, and enjoys their friendship a lot. After all, he has a friend who is more intelligent than anyone else. Despite being very small in size, his friend can do many important things. He is also very hard-working. He does all of his jobs very well and at the proper time, just as if he was a soldier in an army. Although he does not go to school like Omar, he successfully carries out the many tasks which he needs to do in his life.
You are wondering who this little friend is, aren’t you?

Omar’s secret friend is a little ant, who can do many wonderful things.

You may never have heard how skilful and intelligent ants are. Some of you may even think of them as simple insects that wander around all day without doing anything. But those of you who think like that are mistaken, because ants, just like many other living things, also have a life of their own.

Omar has the chance to learn about the details of this life from his friend. This is one of the reasons why he never fails to visit his friend and enjoys his chats with him so much.

Omar is very amazed by the things he learns from his friend about the world of the ants. He wants to share everything he learns about his little friend’s talents, intelligence and all his other superior traits with other people.

What, then, makes Omar so excited? Why is he so fascinated by the world of ants? You must be wondering why. So just continue reading...
Ants have more of their own kind in this world than most other living creatures. For every 700 million ants that come into this world, there are only 40 new-born human beings. In other words, the number of ants in the world is way above the number of human beings.

Ant families are also very big. For instance, you probably have a family of 4-5 people. In an ant family, however, there are sometimes millions of ants. Now think for a minute: if you had millions of brothers and sisters, would you be able to live in a single house? Surely not!

The astonishing features of ants do not end here. Despite the fact that millions of them live together, they have no problems with each other, no mix-ups and no disorder. They live an extremely well planned life with everyone obeying the rules.

Some ant families do tailoring, others grow their own food like farmers, and yet others run small farms where they raise some smaller animals. In the same way as human beings breed cows and use their milk, ants breed small plant lice (aphids) and use their milk.

Now let’s see what Omar has to say about the world of ants:
Weaver ants are skilful tailors. They combine leaves by pulling them from two sides and sewing the leaves together. In this way, they make a nice home for themselves.

Doorman ants guard the nest. They do this job very successfully. Other ants are also very hard-working. They do all the work of the nest.
Omar: I first noticed him when I saw his tiny head emerging from the earth. His head attracted my attention, as it was a bit bigger than his body. I wondered why his head was like that and started to watch this tiny friend of mine. The big head on his little body was helping him serve as a guard at the entrance of the nest. Do you want to know ‘how?’ He was checking whether the ants that attempted to enter the nest belonged to his own family or not, and did not let them in if they were strangers.

Soon after seeing him, I met him and asked him to tell me what was happening inside. My little friend understood my curiosity, and started to tell me about it. What I was wondering most was how the ants with big heads recognised their nest-mates and let them in.

...and these are my hard-working friends.

Ants "talking" to one another by touching.
The Ant: Omar, let me first tell you that we call our families a ‘colony.’ In other words, we live in communities called colonies. An ant can easily tell whether another ant belongs to its own colony or not. He does it by touching the other ant’s body with his antenna, (thin little rods coming out of the top of his head) which helps him to distinguish strangers, thanks to the ‘colony scent’ they have. If the ant is a stranger, then we cannot let him into our home. Moreover, we may even have to use force to send him away.

Ants do not want strangers to enter their nests, because this will threaten their security. They never hesitate to get into a fight to protect their nest and friends.

Omar was surprised to hear about their perfect security system and wondered how strangers that tried to enter the nest dared to do so. When he shared this thought with his friend, he smiled at him and said that there were many other things that would surprise him.

The Ant then said:
"Let me tell now you about the inside of our nest, which you were eager to know about. Our colonies consist of the queen ant, male ants, soldiers, and worker ants.

Hard-working workers on the job.
The queen and male ants keep our species going. The queen is larger than all of us. The duty of the males is to make the queen give birth to new ants. Soldiers are responsible for protecting our colony, hunting, and finding new places for nests. The last group consists of the worker ants. Worker ants are all sterile female ants. That is, they cannot give birth to new ants. They take care of the queen and her babies, and clean and feed them.

In addition, they also have to do all the other jobs in the colony. They build new corridors in the nest, search for food and clean the nest up. The worker and soldier ants also divide into smaller groups among themselves. Some of these are breeders, builders, and food-hunters. Each group has a different job. While one group fights off enemies or hunts, another group builds the nest, and yet another takes care of the cleaning and repairs of the nest."
As Omar’s little friend explained all that, he listened to him with wonder, and then asked him: "Do you never get bored, waiting at the entrance of the nest all the time? What is your duty in the nest?"
The Ant replied: "I am also a worker, and my duty is to serve here as a doorman. As you see, my head is big enough to cover the entrance hole of the nest. I am pleased that I have this ability, and I carry out my duty with great pleasure. I never get bored; on the contrary, I am very glad that I protect friends from threats."
Omar couldn’t help but be amazed at his answer. Ants were working all the time to help others, with no thought for themselves and without any problems—something even people cannot manage most of the time.

From what his little friend told him, he could easily understand that the work of the nest was perfectly divided up between the ants. It was obvious that the life of ants was very well-ordered and all the ants had to be quite unselfish. Then he wondered whether they had any fights amongst themselves because some of them claimed that they were better or stronger than others. His friend said that nothing like that ever happened and added:

"We are a big family, Omar. There is no jealousy, competition or ambition among us. We always help each other and do our best to serve the colony. Everything in the colony is based on sacrifice. Each ant thinks of the good of his friends first, and only then of himself.

Let me give you an example. When there is a shortage of food in the colony, the worker ants immediately change into ‘feeder’ ants, and start feeding others with the food in their reserve stomachs. When there is enough food in the colony, they again become worker ants.

I used to hear people saying that there is competition among living things in nature. Never believe what they say. We know very well that we have to cooperate to be successful."
Omar said that what he had told him about himself and his colony was a very good example of this. He was very glad to know that Allah had created him so unselfish, helpful and so fond of his friends. After what he told him, he decided to be at least as thoughtful of others as ants were, and be a good person whom Allah loves.

It had got quite late and he had to get to school. He told his friend that he had to go, but would certainly come to see him the next day.


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Adnan Oktar's cat, brother of honey biscuit: caramel biscuit

Animals that travel

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Animals that can hide

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A journey in the world of animals

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A voyage through the universe

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Let's get to know our Prophets

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Now, let’s get to know some of these prophets; let’s see what they have said to their peoples and find out about the things they did which we can use as examples.

Knowing our lord

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Most of you will all answer these questions in the same way: “God created us and everything else.” Of course, this is the right answer! So, how well do you know Almighty God, the Creator of us and the whole universe? God has revealed Himself to us in the Qu’ran. In this film, we will get to know God through the verses of the Qu’ran and try to get closer to Him.

Life in the seas

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God has created them in an ideal form to live in the seas and oceans. There are entities also here. Let us now take a short trip and get to know some of the creatures that live in the sea.

Mother's love and solidarity

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Our cute friends

Dear Children! In this film, we will watch penguins displaying self-sacrifice for their young and cute beavers building wonderful dams and lodges. Throughout the film, we will see these creatures, as well as ourselves, are created by God. All beauties and living beings in nature demonstrate to us God’s greatness. What we should do is to remember His existence all the time and be thankful to Him for all the blessings He has given us.

The blessings around us

The fact of creation

Don’t forget that when we look at a beautiful painting, we must praise not the painting itself but the artist who made it. In the face of the wondrous creation in the world of nature, we must praise the Creator Who made it all and revealed it to us. Every creature on earth is a proof of His power and creative artistry. Without a doubt it is Almighty God Who created us, loves us and gives us all our many blessings.